Peru: Attorney General submits to Congress a constitutional demand against President Castillo

PERU - In Brief 11 Oct 2022 by Alfredo Thorne

A few minutes ago, the Attorney General (AG), Ms. Patricia Benavides, submitted a constitutional demand against President Castillo. Of the seven investigations, the AG has added three, those related to the embezzlement out of public works concessions and the state-owned firm, PetroPerú. The demand is very detailed and has evidence of how the ministers involved shared the "commissions" from this scam and even indicates the share allocated to President Castillo. The Constitution grants legal protection to the President and the AG cannot take the President to court. In a clever move, Ms. Benavides has left open the decision to Congress. In the end, it is a political decision.  For once, the evidence is so detailed that could convince other congress members to vote in favor of an impeachment. Alternative, some lawyers argued that Congress can open a trial on President Castillo. Moreover, and ahead of the AG's press conference, the AG had raided President Castillo's home and that of those congressmembers that had been voting with the government. It is difficult to see who will take sides with Castillo. In addition, yesterday the vice-president Ms. Dina Boluarte, was summoned to the Constitutional Accusation Sub-commission in Congress. She is being accused of having violated the Constitution, and the Sub-commission is due to incapacitate her from civil service for 10-years. The sub-commission has still to vote and take their recommendation to Congress’s plenary.   It is difficult to see how President Castillo and Ms. Boluarte would escape from this situation. The most likely outcome is that President Castillo and Ms Boluarte resign. But in case they don't, should open anothe...

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