PGR identifies transfers to finance anti-democratic demonstrations; Flávio Bolsonaro tries to minimize wear

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 22 Jun 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Federal deputies Guiga Peixoto (PSL-SP), Aline Sleutjes (PSL-PR), General Girão (PSL-RN) and Bia Kicis (PSL-DF) used funds from the parliamentary quota to finance anti-democratic acts. The transfers, totaling R$30 thousand, were identified by the Prosecutor-General´s Office (PGR). The funds were sent to the Inclutech Tecnologia de Informação, which belongs to the publicist Serio Lima, responsible for the brand of Aliança pelo Brasil, a party created by President Jair Bolsonaro.

Despite the moves the government has made toward the Supreme Federal Court (STF), such as legal and military backroom conversations with Supreme Court ministers, in addition to the resignation of Abraham Weintraub from the Ministry of Education, the advancement of both the inquiry into the anti-democratic demonstrations, as well as the one into fake news, are factors that are contributing to tension among the powers.

Regarding the Fabrício Queiroz case, Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicanos-RJ) made a move along with lawyer Frederick Wassef, who left the case, to minimize wear. Wassef was replaced by Rodrigo Roca, who will now represent Flávio Bolsonaro.

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