Poland sends 10,000 troops to Belarus Border on 3rd anniversary of disputed election

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 10 Aug 2023 by Alex Teddy

Poland is one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine. Poland is worried that Belarus will stage a false flag incident and blame Poland for it. They are worried that Wagner fighters will cross the border posing as refugees. Poland is also anxious because Belarus might send illegal immigrants from third countries into Poland. In 2020 Belarus expedited illegal immigration into its neighbors Poland, Lithuania and Latvia as a means of pressurizing the EU.  Latvia is also strengthening security on its border with Belarus. Latvia is in between Belarus and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.  Putin warned Poland not to agress Belarus. Belarus is a formal military ally of Russia and hosts Russian bases and nuclear missiles. Thousands of Wagner fighters are in Belarus training its army. Lukashenko said on August 2 that he was having trouble restraining Wagner fighters who wanted to take action against Poland. On August 9 the US expanded sanctions against Lukashenko's government. 8 individuals were targeted. These are people who run major semi-state companies such as the national airline, Belavia. The relatives of major pro-Lukashenko business executives have also been sanctioned. The US denounced the Lukashenko Administration as undemocratic and called for the release of 1,500 people whom it see as political prisoners. The Belarusian opposition asked the world not to forget that Lukashenko is an illegitimate president.

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