President Bolsonaro’s pardon of Daniel Silveira continues to have repercussions, the government and Congress discuss whether or not to vote on the Auxílio Brasil MP, and Eduardo Leite announces his withdrawal from the presidential election

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 25 Apr 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Cases have been filed in the STF against Bolsonaro’s decree. Additionally, opposition legislators have submitted a draft decree with the objective of annulling the presidential decree. Daniel Silveira is unlikely to be arrested but his ineligibility will likely remain in effect. Fearing defeat, some government allies believe the Auxílio Brasil provisional measure (MP) does not need to be put to a vote, as they believe the money has already been committed to the payments and that issuing a decree after the MP expires should suffice. The government’s concern is that the payment amount may be increased to R$ 600 if it is put to a vote. Last week, Eduardo Leite issued a statement entitled “Only one Rio Grande, Only one Brazil, Only one PSDB”, announcing his withdrawal from the race for the Planalto Palace and his support for the former governor of São Paulo (SP), João Doria (PSDB). This is yet another attempt to unite the PSDB.

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