Presidential Results

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 06 Oct 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

In the 1st round, Dilma Rousseff (PT) obtained 41.59% of valid votes.Aécio Neves (PSDB) came in second place with 33.55%.Marina Silva (PSB), in third place, obtained 21.32%. In terms of votes, Dilma obtained 43,267,668 votes.Aécio totaled 34,897,211 votes.Marina obtained 22,176,619. In the 1st round, Dilma’s lead over Aécio surpassed 8 million votes (8.04%).Aécio’s lead over Marina totaled 12.32% (more than 12 million votes). Among the smaller candidates, Luciana Genro (PSOL) was the winner.She came in fourth place, surpassing 1.6 million votes (1.55%).Pastor Everaldo (PSC) obtained 0.75% o...

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