Pressure on the agenda for Pension Reform and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 10 Jun 2019 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The rapporteur of Pension Reform, Samuel Moreira (PSDB-SP) is expected to present his report after the Governors’ Forum, which takes place in Brasília on June 11. Congressional representatives are resisting the inclusion of states and municipalities in the reform. Congress may vote on an extraordinary credit of R$ 248 billion for the government. The Senate is expected to vote on changes to the procedures for provisional measures. On Friday, labor unions organize a general strike.

This week’s Talking Points:
* Site reveals illegal cooperation between Moro and Dellangnol in the Lava Jato operation
* Pension Reform: pressure on the rapporteur and the agenda
* New procedure for PMs will bring difficulties for the government
* The government’s bills are progressing at a slow pace
* The STF decision strengthens Paulo Guedes’ agenda
* The "Free Lula" agenda is blocking the PT

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