Prigozhin confirmed dead

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 28 Aug 2023 by Alex Teddy

On August 27 Russian authorities said a DNA examination of the 10 people who died when Prigozhin's plane crashed determined that he is among the dead. The Russian Civil Aviation Authority has been working very fast on its investigation and has recovered the black box. The other victims were mostly senior Wagner fighters. There had been speculation that Prigozhin faked his death. In 2020 it was reported that his plane crashed in the Congo. But three days later he was alive. But since the August 23 there has been no evidence that he is alive. On August 27 Putin signed a decree requiring Wagner fighters to swear allegiance to Russia and obey the state. There has been conjecture that Putin had had a hand in the jet's crash. Putin spokesman that this is totally false. The US said on August 25 that its satellites did not see any missiles fired at Prigozhin's plane. It is thought more likely that a bomb brought it down.

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