Pro-Russian party trying to reunite itself in Ukraine

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 30 May 2019 by Alex Teddy

The Opposition Block (OB) in the Ukraine is trying to reunite. Opposition Platform split from OB in 2018. If Opposition Platform rejoins OB then it will be much more formidable. The precursor to the Opposition Block was the Party of the Regions which was led by Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych was the pro-Russian president who was ousted in 2014 and fled to Moscow. Part of OB's problem is that is was funded by three rival oligarchs: Akmetov, Firtash and Medvedchuk. OB did not even field a presidential candidate in the April 2018 election.Zelenskiy's party considers OB unacceptable and has ruled out forming an alliance with them. If OB is rejoined by Opposition Platform then it would have 14% of the vote making it the second biggest party.

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