Provisional measures published, and Covid CPI installed

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 28 Apr 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Today, the president’s provisional measures (MPs) were published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Government (DOU). The Pronampe (which helps small and medium-sized companies) and BEm (which allows for the reduction of wages and working hours of private sector employees) programs should be edited and published as provisional measures. The Ministry of the Economy has experienced some changes that we believe are positive, as Minister Paulo Guedes is trying to improve the ministry’s relationship with Congress following the recent turbulence caused by the approval of the 2021 Federal Budget. The Covid Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPI) was installed in the Senate yesterday. Senator Omar Aziz was elected president of the CPI, and Senator Renan Calheiros was appointed as rapporteur.

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