Politics: Public Distrust Ahead of 2018 Vote

MEXICO - Report 12 Jul 2017 by Guillermo Valdes and Esteban Manteca

As we continue to analyze the results of the latest GEA-ISA quarterly survey on governability and electoral preferences, we see little very little movement in citizen perceptions of the country's situation, the evaluation of President Peña Nieto's administration, or the mood of the country.

Registered voters continue to see public security as the country’s worst problem, followed by the economy with forty percent or more saying that the country’s economic and political health has deteriorated, and eight out of ten respondents saying Mexico is heading in the wrong direction on both of these fronts.

This general discontent with the country's situation and the job the government is doing is coupled with an increasingly negative evaluation by the population of the institutions responsible for democracy and the quality of the electoral processes, which are indicators that next year’s presidential election could be complicated due to the low credibility of the electoral authorities.

Two-thirds of voters believe that it is a common practice of all parties to buy votes, either directly or by purchasing people’s voter registration cards that are required in order to cast ballots on election day.

Especially troubling is the extent to which almost half of the population lacks faith in the country’s electoral authorities and courts to guarantee fair elections.

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