Quick thoughts on the Two Sessions

CHINA FINANCIAL - Report 08 Mar 2024 by Michael Pettis

Special points to highlight in this report:

* Although we can expect flexibility on the downside, China’s 2024 GDP growth target of 5 percent is nonetheless aggressive given the headwinds. There are debt constraints on a major revival of investment—whether in the property sector, infrastructure or manufacturing—as well as global demand constraints on a surge in China’s trade surplus.

* This leaves consumption as the only potential engine of growth in 2024. But while it is theoretically policy that a sudden change in confidence will cause Chinese households to cut back on saving and to increase spending, there is as of yet no reason to expect this to happen.

* That is why even though most analysts believe that Beijing is ideologically opposed (as “welfarism”) to any program that involves borrowing money to distribute directly to the household sector, I expect Beijing to change its views and—perhaps by second or the third quarter—to unleash a demand-side fiscal boost targeted at delivering income to the household sector.

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