Rethinking growth in 2020

CHINA FINANCIAL - Report 24 Feb 2020 by Michael Pettis

Special points to highlight in this issue:
• COVID-19 will probably not reduce China’s GDP growth in 2020 but will instead shift growth from “high quality” to “low quality” areas as the government compensates later this year for any slowdown by increasing discretionary spending. This of course has implications for different economic sectors, some of which will do worse than expected and others better.
• This will also inevitably mean debt will grow this year even faster than expected, and debt-related concerns have already set off renewed debate among Chinese policymakers and advisors.
• Easily the main concern among Beijing’s senior policymakers appears to be halting the spread of the coronavirus and restoring the country’s growth trajectory as quickly as possible. Very few are talking about the debt, worries about which are left mainly to policy advisors.

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