Russia and Turkey enhance co-operation

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 27 Aug 2019 by Alex Teddy

On August 27 the presidents of Russia and Turkey held a press conference in Moscow to announce their plan to co-operate in destroying ISIS in Syria. Turkey already has troops in her southern neighbor Syria against the wishes of the Syrian Government. There is a tense situation because the Syrian Army has annihilated most ISIS fighters near the Turkish border so the Syrian Army is coming close to the Turkish troops inside Syria. The reason for the Turks to keep troops inside Syria is disappearing. Russia may help Turkey to withdraw without feeling humiliated. Russia is Syria's key ally. Russia has also developed a very cordial relationship with Turkey in the last couple of years. Only today Russia delivered S-400 missile defense systems to Turkey. The US vehemently opposed this. Despite being a NATO member Turkey took the missile defense system anyway.

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