Russia attends OSCE

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 30 Nov 2023 by Alex Teddy

On November 29 the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) held its summit in North Macedonia. It was a success for Russia that it was able to send its delegation headed by its foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov.  Some members of the OSCE were so unhappy about Russian attendance that they stayed away. Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland did not send delegates. These other four are Ukraine's most stalwart allies. They fear that if Russia succeeds in Ukraine then they shall be next. They consider it a sick joke that Russia is able to attend a summit which is supposed to be about peace and security. Ukraine called for Russia to be expelled from the OSCE but there is no sign of that.  Russia is able to block the OSCE's budget and a decision on how to allocate the chairmanship. It has prevented NATO member Estonia from winning it. OSCE has published reports on Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Nonetheless Russia is clearly keen to remain part of the organization. The US Secretary of State went to the pre-summit dinner on November 28 but left so he would not meet his Russian analogue.  Perhaps surprisingly the EU's External Affairs Commissioner applauded North Macedonia for allowing Russia to be present. He said it is vital to maintain multilateralism and that is what the OSCE is all about. But he said he would not meet Lavrov. On November 28 a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that the OSCE's existence was endangered by Western obstruction. 

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