Russia moving more arms to Ukraine

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 02 Sep 2023 by Alex Teddy

On August 31 it was announced by the Russian Space Agency that the Sarmat strategic next generation missile was deployed for combat. Putin described it as invincible. Russian state media avidly reported the deployment. Putin said in June 2023 that the missile would soon be ready. It was supposedly successfully tested in 2022 and is nuclear capable. The 200-ton missile can carry several warheads and is able to evade counter-measures. Why is Moscow so keen that people know about this? This is presumably intended to divert attention from repeated large-scale Ukrainian drone strikes on Russia. It is also a warning to Ukraine as Ukraine's counter-offensive finally speeds up a little. On August 31 Japan said that Russia is withdrawing anti-missile systems and tanks from Sakhalin Island. The island is close to Japan and is still claimed by the Japanese. It is presumed that Russia is sending these assets to Ukraine due to a shortage of assets there. In August 2023 a Russian-American man was arrested in Cyprus on allegations of seeking to smuggle sanctioned US tech to Russia. In the same month a Russian businessman was arrested in Sweden, where he has been resident for 30 years, on suspicion of the same crime.

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