Russia publishes German Military communications about Ukraine arms

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 05 Mar 2024 by Alex Teddy

On March 1 Moscow proved it had hacked a call between the head of the German Air Force and an officer. The officers discussed British soldiers who are in Ukraine helping the Ukrainians with targeting but not actually fighting. There was talk of Germany maybe supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. These have a range of 500 km. Ukraine does not need anything near that range to hit Russian assets in Ukraine.  The air force officers talked about the possibility of Ukraine hitting the Kerch Bridge with missiles. This suggests that German advises them on targeting.  Why did Moscow publish the intercepted conversation? Germany said the aim was to drive a wedge between Germany and her allies. The interception embarrasses Germany and proves yet again that British soldiers are in Ukraine. However, the consequences will be that Germany will be a lot more prudent about communications in future. One of the participants in the hacked call was at an air show in Singapore when he called. Presumably Russian intelligence targeted the air show because dozens of officers from NATO countries attended.  Berlin stressed that its secure communications have not been intercepted. Germany explained that two officers used an insecure line. Berlin has thus far refused to supply Taurus missiles. Western countries are acutely aware that a shortage of shells means that Ukraine is being pushed back even if slowly. This could turn to being pushed back rapidly. As the West has very few shells to donate then it is asking what else can it donate instead? Russian shells production is estimated to be 4 million a year in 2024. The entire NATO and EU shells production will reach 2 million in 2025. Many of thes...

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