Russia says EU membership for Ukraine is unacceptable

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 13 May 2022 by Alex Teddy

On May 12 Moscow upped its rhetoric on the EU. Russia had previously said it could live with Ukraine joining the European Union so long as Ukraine vowed never to seek NATO membership. However, a Russian diplomat at the United Nations said that had changed. He said that the EU and NATO were almost the same thing. The EU has given USD 1.6 billion of arms to Ukraine since the war began. Individual EU states have given more arms in addition to this. The European Commission (the EU's governing body) will decide in June 2022 whether or not to give Ukraine candidate status.The EU's diplomatic chief said in April 2022 that the Ukraine War ''will be won on the battlefield''. This signifies that the West is increasingly confident that the war will be at least a draw for Ukraine. The Russian offensive has stalled and NATO and EU countries are rushing ever more sophisticated weapons to Ukraine. Consequently, a diplomatic solution seems further away then ever. Russia confirmed that it is deeply pessimistic about a negotiated peace.Experts now believe the war will last several months if not several years.

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