Russia shall withdraw from the International Space Station

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 26 Jul 2022 by Alex Teddy

On July 27 Moscow made the announcement. The change shall take effect in 2024. Russia plans to build a space station for its own sole use. Roskosmos said it will fulfill all its obligations until 2024. The USA and Russia have worked on the International Space Station (ISS) together since 1998. Russia said it might pull out of the ISS some years ago due to Western sanctions. Five space agencies including Roskosmos were involved in the ISS. The US wants to extend the ISS until 2030. The US said it learnt of Russia's withdrawal from ISS through the media. Russian plans the Russian Orbital Service Station. This would be extremely expensive. Putin has spent rather little on space stations. As the Russian economy will shrink 12% in 2022 this make it much harder to afford a space station when the other countries are not sharing the cost.  The ISS partners are interdependent. The American side provides power and the Russian side provides propulsion which prevents the ISS from falling down to Earth. When Russia pulls out then the EU, Japan, Canada and the US will have to find another way to boost the station from time to time. The US has robotic freighters that could perform this task.  In July 2022 the US and Russia signed an agreement allowing each others' astronauts to travel on each others' space ships. This was about the only area of happy cooperation between the two nations. The European Space Agency terminated its cooperation with Roskosmos in 2022. Russia used to launch spacecraft from French Guiana. Russia wants its own presence in space to help with navigation and data transmission.

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