Russian Army recruitment offices suffer arson attacks

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 06 May 2022 by Alex Teddy

On May 5 a recruitment office was burnt down by Molotov cocktails. The police are seeking two male suspects. Five other military recruitment offices have been burnt by Molotov cocktails since the war began. This is indicative that a considerable proportion of young men do not want to be called up for war service. This month is the commencement of the enlistment season.Pro-war publicity is incessantly broadcast in the media. Public support for the special military operation is still strong. But even those who believe in the war do not want their son to be killed in it. All Russian men have to serve in the army for a year unless they have a dispensation for health reasons. Rich men can often bribe a doctor to certify them as permanently medically unfit for military service.

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