Russian draftees are refused demobilization and another draft is prepared

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 22 Dec 2023 by Alex Teddy

On December 22 various media outlets published stories saying that Russia will draft more men in 2024. These will not only be the usual 18-year-olds doing their one year of military training. This will draft men up to their 40s who have already long completed their military service.  The government has not said there will be a draft in 2024. It would be unpopular so they prefer not to confirm this. The government has sent a quota of men to draft to every region in Russia. The numbers required are about the same as for 2023. The government wants around 400,000 men. The difficult task of recruiting them falls on regional authorities and not the central government. This is how the Kremlin likes to handle unenviable tasks.  The government incessantly promotes military service as glorious and remunerative. Most men earn USD 700 to 800 in Russia. Contract soldiers earn USD 2,200. In poorer regions this salary is extremely alluring. They can even be paid bounties for participating in attacks or for seizing Ukrainian military hardware. Contract soldiers will fight until the war is over. No one knows how long that will be. In December 2023 the Defense Minister said 490,000 men had joined the army in 2023. In December 2023 the US estimated Russia had suffered 315,000 war casualties. This estimate should be treated with caution and may well be an overestimate. Russia will need to replace these losses. However, some of the casualties will be minor wounds and these soldiers will soon be able to return to the battlefront. It is widely accepted that it will be harder to get men to volunteer in 2024 than it was this year. Pro-war feeling is declining. There is no end in sight to the w...

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