Russian missile strikes on Ukraine

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 16 Jul 2022 by Alex Teddy

On July 14 a Russian missile hit Vinnytsia and killed 23 people. Ukraine says they were civilians. Russia says it attacked that building because it was hosting a military meeting. Zelensky said the attack was ''terrorism''. On July 15 missiles struck a university in Mykolaiv. The Russian military has halted for a while. It is regrouping and allowing its logistics to catch up. Russia has not gained significant ground for a week. Putin has ordered the military to give frontline troops some rest according to the Ministry of Defense. However, Russia is intensifying its missile strikes. Sloviansk and Kramator are said to be the next cities to be targeted by Russia.  Russia is concerned about Ukraine's having 8 HIMARS. Four more are on the way. A HIMAR destroyed what Ukraine said was a Russian ammunition dump. Russia said a fertilizer store accidentally exploded. HIMARS are hit Russian command posts. The Russian Military is extremely centralized and initiative is discouraged. Therefore, taking out a command post gravely impedes operations. Ukraine and Russia are both suffering from shortages of manpower and equipment. 

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