Senator Bezerra will submit his report on the PEC on Fuels today, Senator Rodrigues may submit his request for a CPI on the Ministry of Education on Tuesday, and this is the last week of activity in the Judiciary

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 27 Jun 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The PEC will include an increase in the Auxílio Brasil program payment from R$400 to R$600, as well as a truck drivers’ voucher, an increase in the gas voucher, different treatment for ethanol in relation to other fuels and a subsidy for public transportation. The government is hoping to complete the vote in the Senate this week and send the text to the House. Senator Rodrigues already has 27 signatures for the CPI. Last week, an audio recording of a conversation between former Minister Milton Ribeiro and President Jair Bolsonaro was leaked. The recording increased political risk but does not directly involve Bolsonaro in the scandal. This is the final week of activity in the Judiciary, which recesses on Thursday, June 30.

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