The CPI on the Education Ministry will begin activity only after the presidential election, the PEC on Fuels rapporteur decided not to increase the cost of the proposal, and the latest poll shows a stable electoral scenario with Lula in the lead

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 06 Jul 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco decided in favor of installing the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPI) to investigate allegations of corruption in the Ministry of Education. However, the CPI will only begin activity after the elections. In practice, this CPI should lose political appeal after the elections, whatever the outcome. The rapporteur decided not to make changes in the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) on Fuels. The changes that were being considered would have increased the cost of the PEC from the current R$ 41.25 billion to R$ 50 billion. The PoderData poll (July 3-5) shows that the scenario for the presidential election remains stable. Today, Lula has 44% of intended votes - the same as 15 days ago - against 36% for President Jair Bolsonaro, who increased by 2%.

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