The crisis in the Ministry of Education continues, two new polls on the presidential election will be published today, and the STF postponed the analysis of the Carf cases to today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 24 Mar 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Prosecutor General Augusto Aras asked the STF to open an investigation into the Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro. In recordings, mayors revealed that pastors who work with the Ministry of Education have been requesting bribes. For the time being, the incident shouldn’t cause further damage to the government, but if the minister's clarifications are not enough, pressure for his resignation may increase. Two new voting intention polls on the presidential election should be published today, one from Exame/Ideia and another from Datafolha. The STF postponed the analysis of the cases that challenge the end of the tie-breaking vote in tax administrative judgments of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Carf) from yesterday to today. Minister Marco Aurélio voted for the unconstitutionality of the rule, while Luis Barroso voted in favor of the end of the tie-breaking vote while allowing the federal government to appeal to the judiciary in the event of a tie. The likelihood is for Barroso's vote to prevail.

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