The Federal Police has seized Bolsonaro’s passport, next week will be the Carnival holiday, and Lula visited Minas Gerais alongside Rodrigo Pacheco

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 09 Feb 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Yesterday's Federal Police investigation into an attempted coup d'état had broad political repercussions. President Jair Bolsonaro and his allies were targeted in the investigation. Bolsonaro's passport was seized. Due to the Carnival holiday next week, decisions on the payroll tax exemption, the votes on the Federal Budget, and on Perse, an aid program for the events sector, are likely to be postponed to the following week. Yesterday, Lula visited Minas Gerais alongside Rodrigo Pacheco. Pacheco said he will work with the state governor, Romeu Zema (Novo), to search for a solution to the state's debt with the Federal Government.

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