The IBGE published the GDP at 2.9% for 2023, city halls will hold a demonstration in Brasilia next week in support of the payroll tax exemption, and the Senate discusses changes to electoral legislation

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 01 Mar 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Today’s highlight is the publication of the GDP result, which was reported by the IBGE at 2.9% for 2023. The result strengthens Minister Fernando Haddad in the government and increases his prestige within the National Congress. The National Confederation of Municipalities is organizing a demonstration in Brasília next Wednesday, March 6, in defense of reducing the payroll tax for city halls, as approved by Congress but vetoed by Lula. Next week, Senator Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI) is expected to submit his report on the new Electoral Code to the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ).

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