The importance of the internet and social media in the electoral process and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 14 May 2018 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Michel Temer is holding a ministerial cabinet meeting on Tuesday, May 15, to review the government’s past two years and to decide what must be addressed by the end of the year. In the Lower House, representatives may conclude voting on the amendments to the bill on the positive registry. On Monday, May 14, the CNT/MDA poll on the presidential succession will be released. It will be the first following Joaquim Barbosa’s (PSB) withdrawal. In economic news, the Central Bank meeting will set the benchmark interest rate (Tuesday and Wednesday).

This Week’s Talking Points
• Party alliances: trends
• The post-Barbosa PSB
• The strength of Lula in the Northeast
• Lula’s legal battle
• The importance of the internet and social media in the electoral process

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