The new election date is July 5

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - In Brief 13 Apr 2020 by Pavel Isa

Today, the Central Electoral Board announced the decision to postpone the national elections that were scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 17. The new date is Sunday, July 5 and, if necessary, the second round will be held three weeks later, on July 26. The Constitution orders the new president to be sworn in on August 16.In addition, by Decree and with the prior authorization of Congress, President Medina extended the state of emergency throughout the national territory until April 30. A large number of economic activities remain paralyzed including tourism, most of the industrial free zones, all commerce except supermarkets and food stores, construction, local manufacturing except food processing, non-essential services and education. The number of people diagnosed with Covid 19 continues on the rise at a stable pace. As of Sunday, April 12, there were 3,167 confirmed cases, 177 people had died and 152 had recovered. The average of positive cases detected per day during the last week is 191 and in the last two weeks 162 per day. Recently, the total number of daily tests has grown, but continues to be very low (over 800). This prevents having a clear perspective of the dimensions and behavior of the contagion in the country.

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