The Precatórios PEC was partially enacted, the exchange rate framework and MP 1063/2021 were approved, and the Federal Audit Court postponed the analysis of the privatization of Eletrobras to next Wednesday

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 09 Dec 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

With the partial enactment of the Precatórios PEC, R$ 65 billion of fiscal space has been created in the 2022 Budget, which should be used, in part, to finance the Auxílio Brasil program. The points changed by the senators will be analyzed in the House next Tuesday. Other important victories for the government include the approval of the exchange rate framework and Provisional Measure (MP) 1.063/2021, which authorizes gas stations to buy fuel alcohol (hydrated ethanol) directly from producers and importers. The texts will go for presidential sanction. In the Federal Audit Court, the rapporteur, Minister Aroldo Cedraz, said that the matter may return next Wednesday, December 15. It will be the last session of the court before the recess, which starts on December 17. The trial may only be concluded in 2022.

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