Trump keen to bring Russia back into G7

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 27 Aug 2019 by Alex Teddy

A row has broken out in the G7 about the readmission of Russia. Russia was expelled from the group of major economies in 2014 due to the Ukrainian situation. President Trump is eager to bring Russia back in. Most countries are adamant that this must not happen unless Russia changes course majorly. However, the outgoing Italian prime minister is open to Trump's suggestion. The Japanese are keeping their counsel on the issue. Trump winning a majority of the G7 around is not impossible. As Trump is so capricious he may well drop the idea. His conciliatory approach is surprising bearing in mind the latest round of US sanctions on Russia have just kicked in. The mixed messages form the US are confusing but Trump himself is probably confused. The current G7 is in Paris. The 2020 G7 will be in the United States. Trump is openly musing about inviting Putin. Moscow said if Putin was invited he would think about whether to accept.

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