Turkey Covid Watch - July 26, 2021

TURKEY - Report 26 Jul 2021 by Murat Ucer and Atilla Yesilada

Average daily cases almost doubled in a week, from 7.7K to 14.2K for the week ending Sunday (Graph 1). Testing did not keep pace, and in fact declined for the week, resulting in an increase in the positivity rate to 6.4% (Graph 2). The rise in cases is not surprising, given that Turkey is a tourism destination for countries with a lot of cases of the Delta variant, such as Russia. The impact of last week’s long religious holiday (Eid al-Adha), where many people visit each other at home, won’t be felt till the coming week.

Interest amongst the young in vaccinations is lukewarm as reflected in the small number of first vaccinations. Overall vaccinations are down to about half of the preceding week’s levels (partly related to the holiday), and mostly consist of second vaccinations (Graph 3). Appointments for second doses are now available after 3 weeks, down from 4. Those with prior Covid and one dose of the Pfizer vaccine are now considered fully protected, and their second dose appointments were cancelled by the Ministry of Health. Some 36% of the population over 18 is now vaccinated with two doses and 63% with one dose or more.

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