Two recent polls show different electoral scenarios, Congress will resume activity, and next week is the deadline for holding party conventions

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 29 Jul 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

While the Futura/Banco Modal poll shows that Lula and Bolsonaro are technically tied, Datafolha points to an 18% advantage between the PT candidate and Bolsonaro. There are also differences in the second round. For Futura, Lula has 46.2% of intended votes, compared to 41.6% for Jair Bolsonaro. In the Datafolha poll, Lula has 55% and Bolsonaro, 35%. Next week, three more polls will be published. The House will focus on voting on several bills this week with an in-person voting system. In the Senate, sessions are scheduled for the next two weeks. The PSDB and Cidadania will announce the vice president on the ticket with Simone Tebet. Ciro Gomes, from the PDT, should also announce who will run alongside him. The preference is for a woman as a running mate.

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