Ukraine retakes villages

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 13 Jun 2023 by Alex Teddy

On June 12 Kyiv said it has made progress in its counter-offensive but admits that Russian resistance is firm. Ukraine has shown footage of the Ukrainian flag being hoisted in villages it has retaken. These are in the Zaporizhzhia Region. Ukraine has also advanced in Donetsk. France has said that this counter-offensive could go on for months. President Macron suggested that the counter-offensive would put Ukraine in a good position when negotiations start. Notably he does not seem to think outright victory is obtainable. The US Secretary of State also said he wants the counter-offensive to lead to talks.  The President of Poland said that NATO must give a clear sign to Ukraine that it will be allowed to join NATO in the next few years. NATO's Summit is due on July 11 in Lithuania.

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