US and UK announce new sanctions on Russia

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 07 Apr 2022 by Alex Teddy

Washington DC announced new sanctions on Alfa Bank and Sberbank and on Putin's daughters. London promised to stop all Russian oil and gas purchases by the end of 2022. The UK has sanctioned Sberbank and Credit Bank of Moscow.The EU is about to ban all imports of Russian coal. The EU wants to phase out Russian oil and gas purchases by 2030. There is talk of the EU banning all Russian ships and trucks as well as banning diamonds from Russia. The US is releasing oil reserves to bring oil prices down. The US justified its sanctions on the basis that war crimes were committed at Bucha. Moscow says that the atrocity was faked by the West.The US is pushing for Russia to be excluded from the UN Human Rights Council. Zelensky said that the UN should stop Russian aggression or else dissolve because it is useless. NATO accused Russia of seeking to annex the whole of Ukraine. There has been almost no progress on peace talks. Russia has completely withdrawn from northern Ukraine. Its military effort is concentrated in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine is warning civilians in east Ukraine to leave. 11 million of Ukraine's 43 million people have been displaced. 4 million have left the country.On April 6 Russia paid its USD denominated debt in RUB. It is not clear if the payment was accepted. This means Russia might be held to be in default.

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