US funding for Ukraine in doubt

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 05 Oct 2023 by Alex Teddy

In March 2023 the US Congress initially refused to vote for the budget. Some in the Republican Party want to reduce or even end funding for Ukrainian weapons. The US Congress avoided a government shutdown when it was agreed to postpone the Ukrainian weapons issue for now. Congress needs to elect a new Speaker before it can move forward. Some on the left of the Democratic Party are also unhappy about arming Ukraine. They are dovish and fear that this stokes war. Ukraine was a bipartisan issue in 2022. Trump has suggested he would cut funding to Ukraine if elected president and end the war in one day. Presumably this would be by compromising with Russia. Ron de Santis and Vivek Ramaswamy, who are also Republican contenders for the presidential nomination, have said that the US should no longer arm Ukraine. Opinion polls show that there is US support for arming Ukraine. The question is will the tipping point come before 2024. On October 4 Biden called many world leaders to coordinate arms for Ukraine. Biden's spokesman said that friends of Ukraine must not delay. On October 5 it was announced that the US is gifting Ukraine over 1 million rounds of Russian ammunition that were seized from an Iranian shipment bound for Yemeni rebels.

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