US sanctions Kyrgyzstan for helping Russia evade sanctions

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 21 Jul 2023 by Alex Teddy

On July 21 the US announced that sanctions were being imposed on 120 companies in Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The United States said that the Kyrgyz companies had helped Russia to circumvent sanctions. The US is trying to cut off Russian access to raw materials, manufactured goods and financing. The companies listed include banks, energy companies, shipping companies, manufacturers, tech procurement companies and defense companies. State research institutes have also been sanctioned.  RM Design and Development is a company that the US accused of reselling electronics such as semiconductors and integrated circuits to Russia after buying them from abroad. These often go to defense manufacturers. Without these components Russia military manufacturing would really struggle. Kyrgyzstan said it has never helped Russia to get around sanctions but admitted that private companies may have done so. The sanctions forbid US citizens of businesses from dealing with people on the blacklist. Sanctions have been a bonanza for some companies in former USSR countries. They have made fat profits by ordering sanctioned items from the West and selling them on to Russia. The sanctions could backfire and push Kyrgyzstan closer to Russia.

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