Visa-free for Ukraine – big win for President Poroshenko

UKRAINE - In Brief 06 Apr 2017 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

European Parliament approved visa-free regime for Ukraine. Ukrainians will be able to travel without visas to all EU countries, except Ireland and the UK, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The legislation was approved but still needs to be formally adopted by the Council of Ministers. It is likely to enter into force in June 2017. Without any pathos it’s a historical event for Ukrainians and a big political win for President Poroshenko. Visa-free regime was among his key presidential pledges. Many observers skeptically perceived chances for success on this direction. Now Poroshenko can report a big delivery of his presidency and for many Ukrainians this result will overweight any corruption scandals. With visa-free in his portfolio Poroshenko has very good chances for next five years of presidency. Unless EU cancels this decision after another portion of bad news from Ukraine.

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