Week of May 22

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 22 May 2017 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The political crisis continues. Brazil’s Bar Association presented a new impeachment request against President Michel Temer, for a total of eight. The opposition is pressuring Rep. Rodrigo Maia to make a decision regarding these requests. On Wednesday, the STF will decide whether to suspend the investigation against Temer. Labor unions are organizing a protest in Brasília on the same day. A meeting of the CCJ of the Lower House analyzes a proposal on direct elections for the presidency. The Lower House may also vote on bills on fiscal benefit concessions, and Congress discusses vetoes of the ISS Reform.

This week’s Talking Points:
• Evaluation of the Political Crisis
• Indirect Elections
• Paralysis in the Legislative Agenda
• Transition in the PSDB

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