Week of September 25

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 25 Sep 2017 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The second PGR accusation against President Michel Temer begins its progress in the Lower House. The rapporteur will be chosen on Tuesday, September 26. The Lower House and Senate will also vote on Political Reform proposals. Congressmen will try to reach a deal with the Ministry of Finance on the Refis. By Friday, the government will provide details on the un-freezing of R$ 12.824 billion from the Budget. Auctions are scheduled for Wednesday, September 27 for four Cemig plants and areas for the exploration of oil and natural gas.

This week’s Talking Points:
• Accusation against the President: Calendar and step-by-step
• Disputes in the governing coalition
• Political Reform: Only campaign financing is likely to change for 2018
• Changes to the timeframe for switching parties could avoid renewal
• The Alckmin vs. Doria dispute will tend to heat up

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