MPC Pauses on Lira Weakness
TURKEY · Report · 20 Oct 2016

The Monetary Policy Committee left all short-term rates unchanged at today’s meeting. While this is contrary to the consensus (and our) expectation of another 25 bps cut of the O/N lending rate, these expectations had begun to be modified and shift toward a pause during the course of the past few...

Economics: Consumer Price Index Inflation with Upward Pressure
MEXICO · Report · 19 Oct 2016

After lingering below Banco de México’s 3% target for 17 months, inflation has begun to bounce back in the past three months for a number of reasons. In September, 12-month inflation hit 2.97%, its highest point so far this year. At first, various analysts and even the central bank argued th...

Cunha’s arrest increases tension in Brasília
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 19 Oct 2016 · 1 response

​The week began with accusations against Moreira Franco published over the weekend. After that, there were rumors that Lula would be arrested. Then came the news that Eduardo Cunha’s wife, Claudia Cruz, was summoned to testify before Judge Sérgio Moro on November 14. Now, despite the fact that th...

MPC gives priority to growth
INDIA · In Brief · 19 Oct 2016

The minutes of the first MPC meeting of the RBI have been released. In the meeting the MPC had unanimously decided to cut the policy rate by 25 basis points. The minutes show that all the new MPC members appear to give higher weight to output growth compared to inflation. We think they are on the...

Switching to Election Mode Again
HUNGARY · Forecast · 19 Oct 2016

Following a sharp upturn of GDP in Q2, industrial output, exports, retail sales and wages started Q3 with a moderate deceleration. However, the distribution of EU funds and even bank credit growth were accelerating. In H2, the recovery of GDP is likely to continue on the back of robust wage growt...

Politics: Policing Strains the Mexican Army
MEXICO · Report · 19 Oct 2016

Minister of National Defense, General Salvador Cienfuegos used a memorial event for soldiers recently ambushed by heavily armed criminal gunmen to complain of a lack of civilian support for the job the armed forces have had to assume since 2006 in fighting organized crime and compensating for the...

​Heads Up: Erdogan’s high wire act
TURKEY · In Brief · 19 Oct 2016

I’m afraid odds of Turkey heading for one or for a series of polls have increased substantially over the last couple of days. While I’ll defer my discussion of the latter subjects to the weekly, risks in Syria and those stemming from Ankara’s insistence to insert Turkey into the Mosul rescue oper...

Off to China
PHILIPPINES · In Brief · 18 Oct 2016

In an earlier post (“Belling the Cat,” 15 July 2016), we wondered what the Duterte Administration would do next, caught between an unsought for victory against China with respect to the country’s claims in the West Philippine Sea / South China Sea and the President’s desire to pursue bilateral ta...

2017 Budget: Bad News
VENEZUELA · Report · 18 Oct 2016 · 1 response

The 2017 budget was approved on 17 October by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) under unprecedented legal and institutional circumstances.

Week of October 17
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 17 Oct 2016 · 1 response

On a trip to India and Japan, President Michel Temer will try to attract investors in infrastructure projects in Brazil. In the Lower House, we highlight the new attempt to change the repatriation bill. In the economy, the main events are the meeting of the Central Bank to set the benchmark inter...

Exports and Economic Activity
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 17 Oct 2016

In our last Weekly Report, we warned that the latest economic activity indicators – especially for industry – suggest another contraction of GDP in the third quarter. This result is partly due to the weakening of exports, raising the suspicion that it is a consequence of the appreciation of the r...

Inflation will rise again
VENEZUELA · Report · 17 Oct 2016 · 1 response

We revised down our inflation estimate for August and September to 11.8 percent and 9.4 percent in view of new data for food and personal care showing slower price increases and even some decreases in some market segments. The slowdown reflects stronger government imports of final goods and indus...

Weekly Tracker: October 16-22
TURKEY · Report · 16 Oct 2016

Turkey’s Executive Presidency saga resurfaced once again, as MHP leader Bahceli invited AKP to submit its constitutional proposal to parliament. AKP is expected to comply with the request, but it is still not certain whether the article will garner enough support -- of 330 votes -- for a referend...

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS · Report · 14 Oct 2016

The United Russia party won an unprecedented 343 out of 450 seats in the lower chamber of the Russian parliament. More than two hundred of those seats were secured according to the first-past-the-post system. Other parties represented in parliament saw their number of seats cut by 2-4 times. Unpr...

Inflation creeps higher to -0.4% y/y
ISRAEL · In Brief · 14 Oct 2016

Inflation in September increased to -0.4% y/y from -0.7% last month. This CPI print was in line with consensus, following a downward surprise last month. Inflation excluding energy moved lower to -0.3% y/y in September from -0.1% in August. Housing prices remains the main culprit impacting inflat...